Photo Credit: Jo Mackins
16th Ramsgate East Brownies On Saturday afternoon, 23rd October, Jan Holden brought her brownie pack to Sandwich and the barge to play skittles. The weather wasn’t kind but apart from a couple of very light showers it remained dry. WELL, the competition was fierce to say the least. The brownies formed three teams of four and the ‘leaders’ one team of four. All the brownies were interested in was beating their leaders! I believe the end result was a draw between the ‘Jazz Girls’ (brownies) and the ‘Blue Bombshells’ (leaders). Actually, the end result was a most enjoyable afternoon which raised £80.00 for Club finances. Thanks to everyone who gave up their Saturday afternoon, who got the skittles out from the far container and the people who were coerced in the evening to put them back in the far container (at least I hope they did). Thanks also to Jan Holden who organised it all, not forgetting the well behaved if excitable brownies!